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First Impressions

What is first impressions?  First impression is the opinion or initial feeling that a person formulates about someone else, usually within the first ten seconds or so.  Opinion is based upon external factors, such as appearance, body language, how one is dressed, or via mail, emails and/or phone calls.  
In this class individuals will learn how to receive an award winning first impression.  A positive first impression is vital in certain situations when meeting people for the first time, be a social event or a job interview.  Make a first impression that will be an unforgettable impression. We will teach you the skills needed from the very first exchange to the last. We will address appearance, poise, transparency, confidence, communication; written, verbal and non-verbal, tone, body language, and more.

Do you believe first impressions are very important?  Do you believe you always make a good first impression?  Not sure of the kind of impression you make?  If not, call 225.435.9350 or email us at today to schedule an appointment.

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